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Welcome to
Proofreading School!

	proofreading training online course

Hey there, future proofreading specialist!

How did you score on the proofreading test? Can you see how our classes can help you become a paid proofreader?

Your next step is to choose your proofreading level. Just click "Your Level" on the top menu at


Start with the level 1 intro classes if you are a true beginner.

If you have a bit more writing and grammar experience and education, start with level 2 proofreading classes.

Next, choose a class and sign up for the free preview, so that you can take a few lessons before spending any money. See all of our proofreading classes at OnyxEd online.

Every full class includes one or more eBook versions of our print books to reinforce your learning. So, our classes offer a lot of value at very affordable prices!


Get enrolled today! We look forward to seeing you in class.

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